How things work at one of the Youth Tournaments.

The club tries to do as many Youth Tournaments a s possible.  Part of that putting on tournament is understanding how we actually do things. We have a couple of different type of Tournaments, one is a Golden Rule Tournament, the other is a regular tournament where the teams catch the fish and hold them in their live wells until weigh in time, at which time they are released.


With a Golden Rule or a regular Tournament, the boats are set up with Two Youth Members and One Boater. The Boat limit is 5 fish. The Youth members are allowed to catch and cull up to a total of 4 fish, in any combination (numbers and Largemouth or Smallmouth). The boater is allowed to catch and cull up one fish. The boater’s fish does not count towards the Big Fish, only the Team weight. The Big Fish has to come from one of the Youth members.   With a Golden Rule tournament, the Teams are given a worksheet which is just like your live well.  They measure the fish, by 1/4 " increments and fill in the circle under the respective angler’s name. We encourage the Youth anglers to do most of the measuring, it is their tournament.  Measure the fish, mouth closed.  Just like a live well, you would not remove one 16 inch bass to use another 16 inch bass for the purpose of who caught how many fish at the end of the day. The sheets work the same way.  With a regular Tournament, the fish are put in the boats live wells and culled as bigger fish are caught during the day.

Things we track at the "Weigh-in":

·         Number of keeper fish each Youth member ends up with at the end.

o    They get a point for each fish in the sack at the end of the day, a total of 4 points between them gets added to their Place Points for scoring purposes.

·         Big Fish for the day

o    They get a point per boat in the tournament as an extra award, for the big fish of the day, only 1 Big Fish is awarded for the day, it can be either a LM or SM. For example, 8 boats in the tournament someone gets 8 points for the big fish of the day. This gets added to their place points for scoring purposes.

·         Total Team Weight for each boat.  

o    The Total for the 3 anglers, up to 5 fish.   We use the total weight at the end of the day to determine who won.  The weights are shown on the worksheets.


The Junior Anglers have all been told to take care of their boaters with Gas money etc. A minimum of $25 per youth member is required to be offered to the boaters for a St Clair tournament, for inland lake tournaments we require a $20 Minimum.  The money helps off set some of the cost the boaters incur getting the boats to the lake a and gas money to run the boats while fishing. This is not optional. They have been told to CALL their Boaters to arrange rides (if needed) or what they plan on doing for rides and where they will be meeting the boaters. That call is the Youth member’s responsibility.  We do encourage the youth members to car pool if possible, they may call one of the other boaters that lives close to them to arrange a ride.   We encourage the Youth members to do the tally at the end of the day for their boat and then hand in their worksheets to their Tournament Director at the ramp.


We normally meet for breakfast before the tournament if you are interested. It is optional.  We will meet at a restaurant close by the lake in the morning.   Blast off time is usually  scheduled for around 7 am, but if everyone is there earlier we will go ahead and blast off.

We do occasionally invite Guest Boaters to help fill in when some of our boaters can not make it.  Likewise, we sometimes end up with an uneven number of Youth Anglers, so we invite Guest Youth Angles to fish as a team member. The same rules apply to Guest Boaters and Anglers as do to our club members.

If you are interested in helping out as a Guest Boater, please contact either Greg Choiniere our Youth Director at or Paul Wagner, the Club President at and we can see about adding you to our Guest Boater List.