Michigan Bass Anglers
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Meeting Minutes
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January 26, 2014 MBA Meeting minutes

 ·        Two potential new members were introduced. Keith Henry and Mark Cain

·        Club Dues.

o   Is everyone paid up?  It is a major pain to pay multiple times to both BASS and Mi BASS

o   We really need to do a better job of getting the dues taken care of.  Late fee now due

·        Club shirts

o   We need a new system for the shirts.  We are out of free shirt money, Maybe we need to go back to having members pay for their shirts.  They average $45-50 a shirt.

·        Job Descriptions

o   Started creating a job description sheet so people know what each job entails.

§  Copies were available for review. Touch on that we are trying to write it down so everyone knows what is expected of them

o   We really need some others to step up and help run the club.  If a few step up and take small jobs, it will work a lot better.  No Volunteers at all.,

·        Need a Youth Director for 2014

o   Who wants to do it?  No volunteers

·        Need a Membership Director for 2014

o   Who wants to do it?  No volunteers

·        Need a Tournament Director for 2014

o   Discuss Duties

§  This is something we really need to do.  The person needs to do the job if they want the position

§  Generally organize tournaments

·        Find out who is fishing

·        Pair up people, update as needed

·        Set up a “tournament info sheet to email out

·        Complete and send results to Paul for web posting

§  Arrange any out of town lodging

·        Reserve motel, up to a certain date

o   Who wants t o do it?  No Volunteers


o   Michigan BASS Classic Team Championship Series

§  Chance to go to Bassmaster Classic.  Handed out a few flyers

§  Dates: 6-1, Elk Torch.  7-12, Sanford.  7-13 Wixom.  9-14, St Clair

o   Michigan BASS State Championship

§  St Clair 7-31 thru Aug 2, Lk St Clair Metropark

o   Tournament Dates for 2014, list of dates chosen

·        Memorial Day out of town tourney. Yes we will do one

§  We set the dates and locations for adult tournaments

·        May 4, Thompson Lake, Howell (Golden Rule)

·        May 24 & 25, Memorial Day Weekend, Sage Lake

·        June 14, Half Moon Chain of Lakes, Dexter

·        July 27, Kent Lake

·        August 23, Lake St Clair

·        September 7, Detroit River, Eliz. Park

§  We set the dates for the JBM tournaments

·        May 18, Lake TBD (Golden Rule)

·        June 22, Lake St Clair, also prefish for JSC

·        August 9, Lake TBD

§  Other tournament dates include

·        Injured Veterans tournament on June 7

·        MBI on September 21

o   Discussion on what changes we need to make for 2014 tournament rules if any

§  No one had any major changes they wanted to see made.  There will be some minor tweaks especially to the Junior club but we will just handle them

§  Gas fees for boaters

·        Discussion on modifying the $20 & $25 minimum fees to give to boaters.  Adult and youth side.  Left the set fee alone, but we will remind everyone that the costs have gone up and they should do a little more.

·        Proposed club changes from Paul

o   List was made available; if anyone wants a copy it can be emailed. If you want to add to it, feel free to do so. We can only fix what you guys want to fix.

o   Started creating a book on how we do things, to offer to new members to read to see how we actually do things in the club.  We need input. Maybe we can pick some topics and each of us do one.  A few copies were available to take home and read.

·        Novi Outdoor Rama Trout Pond

o   Saturday March 1, club fund raiser. Discussion on this being the “Club Find Raiser” for the year.

o   All this money will go towards the club for things like trophies etc.

o   Need: A minimum of 6 people at any given time from 10 am to 12 Noon, at least 8 people from Noon to 9 pm

§  Who will do the scheduling?  No one stepped up

§  Sign up sheet went around, some went ahead and signed up.

§  We will be also getting JBMs to work

·        Senkos for 6.25 a bag was offered by Chris Cucksey from Mi Bassbusters

o   Anyone who wants to order senkos, Paul needs the money up front.  Order date: unknown


o   Several Lists of our club sponsors and what they give us was passed around for everyone to see.

·        After the meeting, we sat down with the two youth members who plan on stepping up to the adult club for a discussion on what is expected of them.  Good discussion was had. Both seemed to understand the system

·        No Other discussion as needed.

·        Meeting closed


2-20-13 Junior Club Meeting Notes:

Outdoor Rama Tout Pond on Friday 2-22-13.

   Work schedule is on the web site, reminded everyone to make sure they wear their club shirts

Lakes and Dates for 2013. Discussion on what lakes we want to fish and why some lakes are not well suited for tournaments.

   Sunday May 5, Kent Lake

   Sunday June 23, St Clair (Pre fish for JSC)

   Sunday June 30, Michigan BASS Junior State Championship

   Saturday July 20, Stoney Creek Impoundment

   Sunday August 4, Tipsico Lake

   Sunday Sept. 1, FALL FLING at St Clair

Calendar is on the web site to print with everything on it

Phone lists to hand out, a few correction were mad and the list will be updated

D&R field trip, start signing up so we can start arranging drivers.

Paper tourney, let’s go back over it one more time. Went through how it works again and did a trial run. Most everyone says they understand it.

High School and new youth division overview. More discussion on the High School division that will be implemented. Still a lot of questions to be answered. How it will impact the club and what you will need to do in 2014 was discussed.

Sponsor Discounts available, a sheet was passed around for everyioe to see, we will email it out as well.

Shirts are ordered, no delivery date yet.

Permission slips, if you have not turned yours in yet, they need to be done, just reminded those who have not turned theirs in yet that they will not be allowed to fish with out one.

Junior State Championship June 30 at St Clair. What you are required to do if you want to fish it. 25% Youth club participation, Club Shirts as well as few other things everyone needs to do.

Boat and tournament etiquette for the 2013 season. A short class ond discussion on what is expected and how everyone should act when out fishing.

Michigan Bass Anglers Meeting

Sunday, 1-27-13, 1:00 pm

Location: Northville, Aubrees Pizzeria

Meeting Minutes by Tim Morris

20 members in attendance.

Tim Morris, Paul Wagner, Greg Choiniere, Jeff Devantier, Tony Impellizzeri, Chris Gutuskey, Dan Wagner, Dave Gutuskey, Chase Serafin, Mark  Brantmeyer, Jay Hasseth, Niko Goodenow, Jake Dorony, Jeff Throop, Colton Throop, Corey Coughlin, Josh DeYonker, Mark Kelsey, Victor Cole, Evan Barnett,

Old Business:  


New Business:


   Introduce new members, as several new members have joined.

   We currently have more Non-boaters than boaters. We will have to get guest boaters almost every tournament if everyone fishes.

   Revised phone lists handed out



   Discussion and setting dates for this year - by general consensus preference given to Sundays for adult events.   

   Tournament Lakes discussion and tentative decisions;


      April 28th, Woodland (Paper)

      May 19th, Union Lake (paper)

      May 25th & 26th, Elk/Torch

      July 21st, Kent Lake

      August 9th & 10th, St. Clair, Algonac Launch

      September 8th, St. Clair, Harley Launch

      October 6th, Classic – Lake TBD


      May 5th, TBD

      June 23rd, St. Clair  

      July 20th, TBD

      August 4th, TBD


   Tournament Rules revisions discussed,  no changes proposed

   OK if we do the paper tournaments “like Major League fishing”?  Might make it more fun, 4 fish for Youth tournaments + adults.  The proposed concept was instead of limiting paper tournaments to 5 fish total, that it would be limited to 5 fish per length category (4 youth/1 adult for youth tournaments) with all fish within these limits counting towards the result – Approved to be tried in first paper tournaments

   MBI.  Are we fishing it this year at Lobdell? – Yes, it was decided to fish on general consensus

   Keego Harbor, is it worth the time and trouble? No, it was decided to not participate on general consensus


Youth Division

   High School Division and new Youth Proposal discussed – will go into effect in 2014

   Paul may be MBN youth director


Shirt Status

   We are at $2300 right now, which should be adequate to fund the shirt purchase

   Looks like cost will be $45-50 each - 45 shirts x $50 = $2250

   Decide on a design, Collar style, colors, voted and decision made

   Cost to anyone who has not previously bought a shirt? The group decided only if there is a shortage of funds.

   Parents, Can they order shirts?  Cost?, yes at Cost



   Frabill. Received 2 nets, auctioned them off at meeting with proceeds going towards the general fund.

   Case Plastics. 30% off offer

   Cruncher Baits. 10% off offer

   Land Big Fish.  2 $50 gift cards

   Powell Rods. 25% off offer

   River2Sea. Received 10 bags of baits

   Livingston Lures. Working on stuff from them. They say they are going to send

   Chili’s. Got 50 free Kids meal coupons from them

   Oakley is sending 3 rods again this year

   Duckett Rods. 40% off offer

Details on discount codes to be sent to members at a later date.


Upcoming Events

   Hands Only CPR Class

      Participation will receive 10 points towards AOY adults and Youth members?  Anyone already having CPR certification will also receive the points, after providing a certificate or proof.

      Dates set at Saturday February 9, 10 am and 1 pm and Sunday February 17, 1 pm and 3 pm

   Outdoor Rama Trout Pond on Friday 2-22-13. 4 to 5 people are needed to work the event.

   D & R Sports Field Trip, Saturday March 30th, we would like to take some of the youth members, we will need a few drivers.  Planning details to come later.


Next Meeting date

March 3st, 1:00,  Northville, Aubrees Pizzeria

Youth Meeting Minutes 1-16-13

Club Stuff

Answering emails. Some people are still not answering their emails or text messages. Please try to answer them. We also try to text message.

Youth Club Officer Elections

President John White

Vice President Noah O’Reilly

Secretary Julius Guy

Tournament Director Nick Dingman

Tournament Committee Nico Goodenow, Josh Beason, John White, Chase Serafin.


Need to get paid up asap if you have not, some paid tonite

Youth Club dues: $10 National BASS, $10 Club dues

Telephone List

Still needs some info filled in. Will email out when it is up to date. List sent around but someone took it home by accident.

Dual Membership

For those joining both the adult and Youth club, participation required in both like you are only in one. You have to pay the adult dues. You are only in AOY for the adult club, Mr. Bass in both if you want.

Emergency Contact forms

They include permission form and all contact info, including parents contact info. We must have before we start fishing.

Birth Certificates

Need if you are planning on fishing ht e JSC, we do still have them from last season if you were here then.


Discuss how we can support them, let everyone know about some of the discounts.

Calendars, will be posted and handed out at the next Youth Meeting after we set the schedules

Shirt Project

There are still a few people who have not responded back with their shirt sizes. No shirt sizes, no shirts, period.  No shirt, NO JSC again this year

Hope to get them ordered by the end of the month

Have $1800 committed, need a little more yet.  If we cannot fill the sponsorship spots we may have to either fund raise or charge some amount for the shirts. 

Discussion on new people getting shirts for free. Discussion on if they should they pay some on the new shirts, if they have not bought shirts in the club before. It was decided that if the entire cost is not covered by sponsors, those who had not purchased shirts in the past will bhave to pay some towards their new shirts.

Events coming up

Outdoor Rama Trout Pond

Friday February 22 from 2 pm - 9 pm

Possibly Saturday 2-23 also, not sure yet. One of the clubs may need help

Sign up list for both days was passed around, some signed up. Greg has the list

Club Shirts required while working the event

CPR Class

Discussion on the Class and what it involves. Chris Bishop talked about the class a little.  Who is  planning on doing it?  There will be a sign up done via text and email.  Those who are doing it need to start signing up.  The classes will be done on Saturday February 9 and Sunday February 17.

D & R Sports Field Trip

Saturday March 30th, do we want to go as a group? Sounds like several did so we will plan on it. Details to follow later.  We can meet and car pool.

Junior State Championship

Sunday June 30 at Lake St Clair, at the Metropark.  Discuss minimum requirements.  We will plan on a Prefish day the weekend before

Chili’s Coupons, FREE 12 and under meals. Handed out to everyone who wanted them


Lakes and dates for Youth tournaments for the year

Saturday or Sunday tournaments. No real preference, it was about equally split but slightly leaning towards Sunday.  Dates will be set at the Adult Club meeting after we set the adult dates.  Discussion on what lakes to fish this year.  We need to do St Clair the weekend before the JSC. Let’s try to stay inland more, boaters are a little easier to get.

Redesigned Youth Division for Michigan BASS Nation

High School Division for 2014, explained the way it is expected to work. Only HS kids will go on to the next step. How will that impact the club was discussed, the club will stay the same.  How will the Youth Division work in 2014 was presented.  Most of the members were skeptical and feel it is not a good idea. The plan Paul designed was discussed.

Virtual Paper tournament

Handed out sheets and explained the way it works. Talked about if we want to modify the way we do it.  Discussion on using the “Major League Fishing format” The boys liked that way. We would count up to the 4 fish per category and add up the totals from there.  Might be more interesting.

Next Youth Meeting February 20.  Meetings are always 3rd Wednesday of the month at Gander Mountain at 7 pm


Michigan Bass Anglers Adult Club Meeting

Sunday, 11-11-12, 4:00 pm

Location: South Lyon Big Boy

Meeting Minutes by Tim Morris

12 members in attendance.

Tim Morris, Paul Wagner, Greg Choiniere, Mark Wilfong, Jeff Devantier, Tony Impellizzeri, Chris Gutuskey, Dan Wagner, Dave Gutuskey, Chase Serafin, Mark  Brantmeyer, Jared Choiniere

Old Business:    None

 New Business:

 Set additional Meeting dates

    Discuss locations and criteria

   January Meeting, Sunday 27th – 1:00, location TBD

Dues are due.

   Club $20, MiBass $25, National BASS $30 = $75

   Make sure your Bassmaster magazine is paid up

   We implemented a $10 youth club dues for the Junior members 11 and up in addition to their $10 National Bass Dues

Should Points start when dues are paid

   New member Points are only being added for new members once they pay their dues.

Sublimated shirts discussed

   Packets put together to send out, may not cost members anything.

   It was agreed for Paul to take the next step in pursuing club shirt sponsorship.


   Tournament Dates, Working on Dates for other tournaments, if anyone has any thing we need to stay away from please let us know

  Tournament lakes? Start thinking about where we want to fish. Do we want to do an Out of town tournament this coming year?

   Lake criteria? Review our requirements for lakes.

   Tournament Director. Chris Gutuskey is interested Chris was unanimously voted in.

      Discuss responsibilities for the TD position.

      Tournament Guideline revisionsAnyone have any suggestions on what we need to add, change or remove?

      Check out the web site, the guidelines are on there.

      We do have some recommendations for revising the points system slightly.. 

      It was agreed that service points for events will be proportional to time worked.

   Boat Proof of Insurance is due before we start fishing, to Tournament Director, also needed for boaters for the Jr. State Championship

Club officersAnyone want positions


      Paul Wagner President

      Jay Haaseth Vice President

      Tim Morris Secretary

      Greg Choiniere Treasurer

   All current officers reinstated for another 1 year term

Youth Club Review

   We have a few youth members who are stepping up and fishing the adult club as well

   We told them that they need to participate in both the Youth and the Adult club like it is their only club. 

    For these members, their primary club is the adult, the youth club is considered their secondary, per BASS.  $10 National Dues will be waived, what should we do about the $10 Youth Club dues, agreed to waive them

   New organizational proposal for Michigan BASS and National BASS’s plan to start a High School Division. How that will impact our current program.. No impact for 2013, impact beyond that not yet know

Club Budget

   Greg put together a 2013 general budget and he will present it.

   Casting kids looks like it is going away at this point, not cost effective and National BASS is not supporting any longer

Banquet date 12-7-12

   Northfield Township Fire Station in Whitmore Lake

   Pot luckDoors open at 6 pm and dinner at 7 pm

   Need give away items for the boys, you can bring stuff to this meeting and Paul will store it and bring it to the banquet or just bring it to the banquet that night.

   Trophies will be ordered Monday

   Gag Awards?  Does anyone have something we can put together for gag awards – if so get with Paul or Greg

2013 Events

   Working on setting up a Hands Only CPR Class. Would like to see everyone trained in this.  Will be on a weekend day. Should only take 1 to 1-1/2 hours or everyone’s time

   Outdoor Rama, Trout Pond is on Friday this year. We will need adults to step up during the day until we can get Youth members there

   Novi Boat Show, we can work the MBFN booth for recruiting if we want

   Field Trip to D & R Sports?  Easter Weekend, maybe on Saturday?

Any Other topics , none

Next Meeting date.   January Meeting, Sunday 27th – 1:00, location TBD

Junior Michigan Bass Anglers Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2012
1. 2013 Membership
   a. 2013 Youth member dues, proposed at $10 club + $10 National BASS for 11-18 members
   b. Why is everyone in the club?  Discussion. Are we doing it right?
2. Meetings for 2013
   a. Topics for meetings
       1) What do we want to cover over the winter
            Reel maintenance
            Guest speakers,yes look into
            Boat etiquette
            Soft bait and bait mold making
3. Special classes
   a. Can we do a CPR Class, maybe on a Saturday. Only would take less than 2 hours.  Was well received. Will follow up
   b. Boater Safety Class is a possiblity
4. Emails
   a. A lot of people are still ignoring us, please respond when we ask you to
   b. Club email address is available as long as you are in the club
5. Fund Raising
   a. Club fund raising vs. Individual fund raising discussed. Greg will tell us more at the next meeting
   b. Trout Pond, on Friday this year
   c. Casting kids, may not happen this year per Mi Bass, will know more after December Mi Bass meeting
   d. Fall Fling, only 5 youth members came this year, that was a very poor showing
6. New Club shirts
   a. Discussion on possibly getting a sublimated shirt, example was available
   b. Cost and how we would get the money, sponsors could cover some, we would have top raise the money for the rest
7. Any dues or state championship fees will no longer be taken out of your account if there is not enough money to
cover it. EX: If you don't have the adequate amount of money to cover your dues for 2013 in your account, you must
now pay it up front or you will not be signed up in the club until you do so.
8. New prospective member Julis Guy introduced himself

Junior Michigan Bass Anglers Meeting Minutes
Wednesday May 16, 2012
  • We revisited the tournament for Sunday. Couple of the main points: Make sure you have contacted your boater, You have a life jacket, and Don't forget to bring a minimum of $25 to pay your boater on Sunday.

  • Directions to the Crocker Boat Ramp:

    • Take 94 to exit #236 - Metro Parkway, turn right. Head towards Crocker Rd and make a right. McDonalds is on the corner. Go until it dead ends at Jefferson and make a right. The ramp will be on your left across from Fast Eddie's Drive in.

    • We will be serving hot dogs, chips and pop after the tournament

  • We did the partner drawer for the Crooked Lake Tournament on June 10. The pairings will be sent out later.

  • We passed out the Scratcher Fundraiser Cards to the youth members that attended the meeting. I will pass out the remainder on Sunday after the tournament. Please make sure you get yours. You have until the June meeting to finish this. I have 4 extra cards so if you complete yours and would like another you, can get one. First come, First serve.

  • We touched on the Jr. State Championship. Remember if you don't have a club shirt you will not be allowed to fish. Get yours ordered ASAP if you haven't as of yet.

Michigan Bass Anglers Adult Meeting

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Location: Chris Gutuskey’s home

 Old Business:  


New Business:


1.     Partner draws first two tournaments

St. Clair, May 12th, Crocker Launch

·         1. Paul Wagner, Cory Coughlin

·         2. Jeff Devantier, Dustin Dieckmann

·         3. Mark Wilfong, Guest

·         4. Mark Kelsey, Guest

·         5. Dan Wagner, Jay Hasseth

·         6. Dave Gutuskey, Greg Choiniere

·         6. Chris Gutusky, Jeff Throop

·         7. Tim Morris, Tony Impellizzeri

Burt-Mullet, May 26th & 27th

·         1.Dan Wagner, Mark Kelsey

·         2. Mark Wilfong, Guest

·         3. Paul Wagner, Tony Impellizzeri

·         4. Chris Gutskey, Greg Choiniere

·         5. Royce Reetz, Jeff Devantier

·         6. Tim Morris, Jay Hasseth

·         7. Dave Gutuskey, Cory Coughlin

2.     For the later St. Clair tournaments, the club will try to pair boaters and non-boaters with Canadian licenses.

3.     The club decided to fish the M.B.I. Tournament this year. The angler who are fishing it will pay the $125 fee. Greg will send MBI a check and collect it back from everyone.

4.     Keego Harbor, August 25th, Greg Choiniere will coordinate.

5.     Veterans Tournament 6-9-12 at Kent Lake - Tips up registrations, anyone that would like to be a boater we have registration forms - Any help would be appreciated, we try to help out each year

6.     The latest date Junior members can join and fish the Junior State Championship - cut off date is March 1st each year.

7.     Kids that are at the age qualifying them for both the Junior and adult clubs can fish both clubs.

8.     Club rules and bylaws were handed out to the members present.

9.     Senkos for $6 per package are available from Paul. Anyone interested should contact Paul ASAP as he will be placing an order soon.

10.  Wacky Rig O-rings are available for $1.50 for 100 from Paul.

11.  B.A.S.S. Open July 19-21 now at Metro Beach not Elizabeth Park, drivers needed for Bass Pro Shop Saturday July 21, drivers needed to bring boaters to scales for the Northern Open. Discussion on BASS doing a weigh in at BPS and problems with killing fish. Paul Will draft a letter to give to MI BASS addressing our concerns about the kill.  Paul will bring it up at the Presidents meeting also.

Dates and locations are set as follows:


Youth Tournaments

1.     May 20th, St. Clair, Crocker Launch, Paper Tournament

2.     June 10th, Crooked Lake, Team Tournament

3.     July 1st, St. Clair, Team Tournament

4.     July 8th, Jr. State Championship

5.     September 9th, St. Clair (tentative), Team Tournament


Adult Tournaments

1.     May 12th, St. Clair, Crocker Launch

2.     May 26th & 27th, Burt/Mullet, Team Tournament

3.     June 16th, White Lake, Team Tournament

4.     July 15th, St. Clair, Harley Ensign Ramp, Team Tournament

5.     August 4th, Fenton Lake, Team Tournament, Early Launch

6.     September 8th, St. Clair (tentative), Team Tournament

7.     October 6th, Classic, TBD Lake

Chris Gutuskey will confirm everyone reservations for accommodations for Burt Mullett


·         Next Meeting date

o   None schedule at this time, we will plan on meeting and discussing business after the tournaments


November 5, 2011

Meeting Minutes by Tim Morris

7 members in attendance

Tim Morris, Paul Wagner, Greg Choiniere, Jared Choinere, Mark Wilfong, Dan Wagner, Tony Impellizzeri

Old Business:   None

New Business:

  • 2012 Membership
    • Dues for 2012
    • $20 MBA Club Dues, $25 Mi BASS Dues, $30 National BASS Dues

    • Mi BASS Is charging the $5 late fee per person if not in at the December meeting, we also have a $5 late fee after the November meeting

    • Club Positions (President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership, Vice President, Youth Director
    • President: Paul Wagner

    • Vice President: TBD

    • Treasurer: Greg Choiniere

    • Secretary: Tim Morris

    • Membership Director: Tony Impellizzeri

    • Youth Director: Greg Choiniere

    • Tournament Director: Tony Impellizzeri

  • Tournaments 2012
    • Fall Fling date set for September 2nd
    • Other tournament locations or dates not set
  • Treasurers Report:
    • Greg reported what the Fall Fling netted
  • Banquet, date set for Friday, December 2nd at Northfield Township Fire Station at Whitmore Lake, more details to follow.
    • We need a rod for give away for the Jr. Angler of the year (Paul has one, but we need a second one)
    • Anyone have any gag awards they want to give away?  Contact Paul
    • We will do the bait or other items give away for the Kids.  Please bring an item to the banquet.
  • Ultimate Fishing Show is January 12th to the 15th.  We may have the casting kids.
  • Outdoorama: February 23rd to 26th.  We will have the trout pond on Thursday the 23rd and probably the casting kids.
  • MBI is at Ponemah, are we fishing?
    1. Conflict with MBI and Mi Bass Classic Series 9-16
    2. The members present decided to wait until later to decide on this topic
  • Club Classic will be a trophy event as in the past.
  • Mi BASS October Presidents Meeting notes were reviewed
  • Surgical tubing anyone? Paul is ordering surgical tubing for making cull tags, anyone interested contact Paul
  • O-rings anyone? Paul is ordering O-rings, anyone interested contact Paul
  • Next meeting date and location: January 8th, at South Lyon Big Boy

As a reminder, members are required to attend 25% of our events, meetings or other functions to be eligible to fish the Michigan Bass Federation State Championship or Classic Series.  We are tracking that this season, which started right after our Club Classic for the 2011 season.

Junior Club Meeting
April 18, 2012

*Virtual Tournament - Did a virtual tournament to show everyone how to fill out the sheet for a paper tournament. Everyone did quite well.

*Youth St. Clair Tournament - As we paired up the youth members for the Youth St. Clair Tournament at the March Meeting, we are still trying to find enough boaters. As soon as we get enough boaters, we will send out the final list of who your boaters are.

*Crooked Lake Tournament - We did not do the pairings as Paul and I did not hear from everyone as to whether or not they were fishing. There are two I have not heard from.

*Tournament Shirts - The delivery did not arrive in time for the meeting so they will be brought to the May Meeting

*Fundraisers - This was discussed in great depths. The youth members voted on doing a fundraiser called Skratcher Cards. All youth members ARE REQUIRED to participate in this fundraiser as a minimum of 20 cards have to be ordered. These will be passed out at the May meeting and at the May Lake St. Clair Tournament. If you fully complete the fundraiser you will each earn $80 for your accounts. For a little more detail on this, please go to www.skratchers.com. This should be a simple fundraiser. When I pass them out to each of you next month, I will give more details on this. If you have any questions about this please let me know.

*May 16 Meeting - This meeting is a few days before your St. Clair Tourney. We will go over everything one last time and answer any questions that you may have. If not done yet, we will do the draw for the Crooked Lake Tourney. I will also start passing out the fundraiser cards.

Junior Club Meeting
September 21, 2011
  • Had a hands on session with all in attendance to train everyone and to test everyone on their skills with pitching over ropes and cables then getting the bait back over the obstacle.
  • Introduced a potential new member (Mitch Edds) and had him tell everyone about himself.
  • Discussed the requirements that we will use for 2012 Junior State Championship, especially the 25% participation rule.  If a member plans on fishing the JSC, they are required to make 25% of the Junior Club events, otherwise they can not go to the JSC.
  • Discussed what changes will be made to the Junior side of the club for 2012.  Youth members will be required to step up and do more next season.
  • Talked about what topics the Youth club will cover over the winter at the meetings, topics include:
    • Tackle Box clean out and a bait swap meet.
    • Reel cleaning and line replacement
    • Knots and Boat etiquette and safety
    •  Soft Plastic biat pouring (invite Tim Morris and Dan Wagner as speakers)
  • Announced a potential date for the Banquet this year, Possibly December 3rd

Junior Club Meeting
April 20, 2011
  • Cruncher Baits Grant Quinn was at the meeting with sponsor product for the ones attending. he introduced himself and talked about his company.
  • Review the Paper Tournament sheet and how to use it
  • Crooked Lake Tournament
    • Times, 7:30 Blast off, 3 pm tournament end.
    • Meeting Location for breakfast (Restaurant: Brighton I-hop 6am)
    • Picked Partners for the Golden Rule Tournament
    • Blast Off Angler 1 Angler 2 Boater


      Corey Coughlin

      Anthony Gilmore

      Boater C. Bishop


      Kyle Coughlin

      Austin Rudell

      Boater D. Wagner


      Dustin Dieckmann

      CJ Hatton

      Boater Lance Gilmore


      Kyle Decare

      Jon DiLorenzo

      Boater M. Wilfong


      Nick Dingman

      Brandan Wagner

      Boater Scott Hatton


      Zac Rosen

      Kenny Messinna

      Boater P. Wagner


      Callum Gibbs

      Bridger Joy (guest)

      Boater Grant Quinn

  • Virtual Paper Tournament. We held a tournament on paper with who ever your partners were for Crooked Lake.  There was a prize for winning team
  • Field Trip to D & R Sports on 4-23-11
    • Who is going? was discussed
    • Times & meeting place, we are planning on leaving around 7am and will be there most of the day
    • Wear you club shirts for the field trip
  • Junior State Championship 6-25 & 26-11. Talked about how we plan on approaching it.  Discussion on choosing partners.  You can choose who you fish with as long as it is in the other age group.
    • Discussion on how it all will work, hand out the "Fish Friendly Tournament" sheet
    • Discussion on the Pre-fish tournament and how we would like to do that
    • Reminder on the required meeting and banquet on 6-25 at Bass Pro Shop
    • Discussion on partnering up. We can pair up the Youth members how we want as long as they are older group and younger group together

Junior Club Meeting

January 19, 2011

Meeting Minutes by Jake Choiniere

-New Potential youth members were introduced.
-The entire meeting was used for teaching and actually cleaning fishing reels. The youth members were shown by the adult members how to disassemble their reels and clean and grease them, then reassemble them.
-We talked about the revised rule that members had to make 25% of the functions to be eligible top fish the State Championship. There was discussion on how the club is a participation club.

Adult Club Meeting
January 8, 2011

  • Show schedule, who is planning on attending?
    • Ultimate Fishing show is 1-13 thru 1-16
    • Outdoor Rama is 2-24 thru 2-27
  • Anyone want to step up and do the scheduling, We need to spread out the work a little
  • Tournament Dates
    • Junior Tournament dates
    • rescheduling of Keego Harbor to 8-27 (corrected from 8-20 to 8-28 then 8-27)(calendar attached)
  • New Tournament results worksheet to hand out (just a revised one)
  • Club apparel, anyone need to order anything?
  • Membership drive, we really need to do some recruiting..
Adult Club Meeting
November 13, 2010

Meeting Minutes by Tim Morris

Members in attendance. Tim Morris, Paul Wagner, Dan Wagner, Greg Choiniere, Mark Wilfong, Jay Haasath,
Chris Bishop,

Treasurers Report:

Old Business:

New Business:

Classic Winner, Angler of the Year and Mr. Bass Awards
•Right now the only thing these guys get is the Trophy. Is that OK with everyone or should we look at starting something new for next year?
• For instance: Some points either towards the current year or maybe towards the next year to start things up • Member in Good Standing
Conclusion: No Change

“Member in good standing” review
•What is the required percentage to maintain -currently 51%
•Should we lower the percentage? Recommend we drop it to 25%?
Conclusion: 25% participation required to remain as member in good standing

Club Position and “Job Descriptions”
•Paul has drafted a description of all club positions
•Elections need to be done for all positions
2011 Officers

President: Paul Wagner
Vice President: Jay Haasath
Membership Director: Chris Bishop
Secretary: Tim Morris
Tournament Director: Dan Wagner

Dues are due
They need to be turned in at the December MI Bass Presidents meeting
National BASS: $30
Mi BASS: $25
Club: $20
Total: $75


2010 Banquet
•Date: December 3rd, 7pm
•Location: Northfield Township FD
•Same format as before – pot luck, family welcome
•Guests, who should we invite (Sponsors, guest anglers as a thanks for helping
us out)?
oPaul Sacks, President MBFN (email sent & confirmed)
oMarcell Veemstra (Email sent, no reply)
oTony Impellizzeri, guest angler at one of the tournaments (email sent, no reply)
oBrian Waldo, guest angler at one of the tournaments – not available
oMike Curmi, Youth Guest angler at one of the tournaments
oMr. & Mrs. Schattler (Couple who donated t at the Fall Fling)

Tournament reimbursement for Youth Tournaments

•We need to work on that, are we still having some issues with some of the kids not paying. Can we work out a standard cost?
Conclusion: $20 gas reimbursement is due from each youth for each tournament. This money can come from the club account of the youth angler.

Tournament Rules
•Is there anything that needs to be updated?
o We need to align some of the penalties, for instance the short fish and dead fish penalties to match the Michigan Federation
Changes: Dead fish = 8 oz. penalty

5013c status report?
1.Mark to give Greg the forms and/or IRS Link
2.Greg to fill out forms and find a lawyer to undersign and submit forms

Web fund raising potential?

Action: Mark to resend the link to Ad-Sense to Paul and Paul to sign-up for Ad-Sense.

Next Meeting

Saturday January 8th .

October 20, 2010 Youth Meeting

We talked about the Wendy cards and how much we made which was $1,050.

We had a drawing for those who got their money in on time for the cards. We took 150 out of the total amount made for the Wendy's cards. Jake won $75, Jared won $50, and Austin won $25.

We had youth elections also.
Here are the results:

  Youth Club President: John
  Youth Club Vice President: Corey
  Youth Club Secretary: Jake
  Youth Club Tournament Director: Zac

We discussed the Club banquet which is most likely going to be on December 3rd. We are asking that if anybody has any club pictures, they should send them to Paul so he can put together a slide for the banquet. We also decided to invite some people that helped out with our club to the  banquet. We decided to invite the Schattlers, Paul Sacks, Tony I., and some other guest boaters that helped out.

We talked about the Rules and we discussing on possibly making a rule of giving 5 points to whoever fish is used in each final limit. This will give the person who did the work catching the bigger fish extra points.

The next youth meeting we will be doing lure making.

May 19, 2010 Youth Meeting

3 youth members have dropped out for Saturdays tournament. Their partners Jared, Joey, and Brandan have opted to either fish by themselves or find a friend. They were ok with that. If fishing with a friend, they need an emergency contact form filled out and signed by a parent.

On Saturday, if you are interested in going to breakfast before the tournament, Dan and Paul will be at the Coney Island in Howell. If you take I-96 and get off at the D-19(Pinckney Rd.) exit, the Coney Island will be on your left hand side right before you get to Mason Road so if you pass Mason Road you went to far.

If you are not interested in breakfast, we will meet at the boat launch at 7:00 and launch by 7:30. You will be fishing until 3:00.

Everybody received maps at the meeting but if you need directions let me know.

I believe after talking to everyone at the meeting that rides have been arranged by everyone.

Don't forget to bring rain gear, life jackets, money, extra clothes,  - PLEASE TALK TO YOUR BOATER BEFORE SATURDAY AND SEE WHAT IS NEEDED AND HOW MUCH ROOM IS AVAILABLE ON THEIR BOAT.

After the tournament, we will be grilling hot dogs. If it is raining, we will go over to the beach area under the pavilion. The following people have offered to bring something:

Hot Dogs & Buns - Jon and his Dad, Mike
Ketchup & Mustard - CJ
Chips - Brandan & Dan
Cups, Napkins, Ice, and the Grill - Greg & Jake
2 - 2 liters - Jared
2 - 2 liters - Kyle
If anyone else would like to bring something that is not on the list above, just let me know what you are bringing.
Ex: Desserts(I prefer my cookies chewy), potato salad, etc. We will need plasticware if any type of salads are brought.

I decided to wait until Saturday to do the draw for the June 13 Wolverine Lake tournament. A few kids were not sure yet if they would be fishing or not so I thought it best to wait.

Michigan Bass Anglers Adult Club Meeting

4-18-10, Novi Gander Mt.

Meeting Minutes by Tim Morris

Members in attendance:

  • Tim Morris, Paul Wagner, Greg Choiniere, Dan Wagner, Jay Haaseth, Chris Bishop, Ken Carlman

New Business:

·         Bass Club Digest Magazine was handed out

·         Drawing for a Boat Angler US Membership: Tim Morris won a random draw

   o    A free subscription for on the water Towing and Trailer assist membership

·         Shirt orders

   o    Who needs to order shirts, hats or jackets?

   o    Order forms are available.

·         Tournament partners for upcoming tournaments:

§  May 1, Adult Golden Rule at Union Lake

 §  Blast off 7:30

1. Paul Wagner, David Bobr

2. Chris Cooper, Greg Choiniere

3. Tim Morris, Joel Pence

4. Mark Wilfong, Jay Haaseth

5. Dan Wagner, TBD

6. Chris Bishop, TBD

7. Ken Cariman, TBD


§  May 8, Adult Golden Rule at Woodland

 §  Blast off 7:30

1.Mark Wilfong, Joel Pence

2. Ken Cariman, TBD

3. Chris Cooper, David Bobr

4. Paul Wagner, Greg Choiniere

5. Tim Morris, David Funke

6. Chris Bishop, Jay Haaseth

7. Dan Wagner, TBD


·         Dates we need to know if you are attending or not:

   o    May 22, Youth Golden Rule at Woodland or Thompson  

(6 boats confirmed)


   o    June 5-6, Grand Lake, for room reservations etc. We are reserved at

   §  Reservations made a Parker House

   §  (3 boaters and 2 non-boaters confirmed)

   o    June 12, Veterans Michigan Bass Federation Tournament, need boaters and others

   §  Need commitments from any boaters or anyone who can assist at the tournament site


·         Michigan Bass Federation Information

   o    We will have CD's for everyone with the Federation Handbook on it.

   o    Information about the State Championship in September

 §  September on Muskegon Lake

 o    Information about the Classic Series

   §  Houghton, Wixom, Saginaw Bay, St. Clair, with ~ 15 teams entered to date, which is ahead of last year.

 o    We received the check for the Casting Kids events we did.

   §  $450 received

 o    Notes from the recent Federation Presidents meeting

 §  Copy of handouts given

 §  Code of conduct implemented


·         Discussion on attendance at Fund Raisers

 o    Discussion took place asking the question “Do we need to change our Club Rules to require participation in some way”.  For example by adding a clause that limits the persons ability to participate in some things, for example:

 §  Anyone who does not attend at least 25% of the Fund Raising events, club tournaments, Youth meetings and Adult meetings will not be allowed to compete in the “Club Classic”, the Michigan Bass Federation Classic Series or State Championship.

 §  This idea was brought up with the intent of group discussion and potential implementation next year, further discussion to follow.


·         Discussion on 501 (3c) status

 o    Status update needed from Mark

 o    Discussion on Amending our Club Bylaws Mission Statement

 o    Proposed First reading of a new Mission Statement: "Teamwork, Education, and Youth Development are the three pillars of The Michigan Bass Anglers. From novice to the experienced, we allow anglers the chance to compete in a rotating team format that focuses upon sharing knowledge while still constantly challenging angling abilities. Fishing only for trophies, our proceeds help fuel our Youth Program, where young adults learn the techniques and leadership skills to succeed in the sport of bass fishing and beyond."

o    Club resume will be prepared

o    Club introduction letter is in the draft form


·         Discussion on Sponsor Packet

 o    We have started putting together a packet to send out to sponsors offering them specific items they can choose from to sponsor the club. It would be helpful if there were some more suggestion.

 o    Packet draft is prepared


·         2010 Tournament Draws, when to do them?

 o    It was decided to do tournaments draws at the previous post tournament meetings, as done last year.

 o    Anyone not at a tournament, but planning on fishing the next one, needs to communicate that intention so they can be in the drawing.

 ·         Boat Insurance proof needs to be provided

 o    This can be e-mailed to Jay (jhaaseth@michiganbassanglers.net) or Faxed Paul (734)434-5456

·         Fall Fling Prizes

 o    Just a reminder to start working on getting some for the Fall Fling, we expect a pretty good turnout this year.

Youth meeting reminder, April Wednesday 21 at this Gander Mountain

January 24, 2010 Club Meeting

  • Aubrey's Pizza
  • Meeting Minutes by Tim Morris

  •  6 members in attendance.

  • Tim Morris, Paul Wagner, Greg Choiniere, Mark Wilfong, Dan Wagner, Jay Haaseth and 2 potential new members Chris Cooper and Ken Carlman

  • Old Business:   None

  • New Business:

  • 2010 Lakes as well as finalize the 2010 schedule.
    • Lake for May 1st, , Union
    • Lake for July 31st   Holloway Reservoir
    • Change Lake for 8-14 from Cass to St. Clair
    • Confirm Grand Lake for June 19-20, Accommodations = Parker House
    • Agreed to change Woodland May 15th to the 8th.
  • Discuss the 2009 trophy cost
    • Trophy cost to be divided equally amongst all club members
    • Exact budget and method of payment TBD
  • Jr. State Championship is at Cass Lake July 17th
  • Mark to investigate web site optimization for coming up higher in Google searches, will seek advise and pass it on to Paul.
  • We have 2 new boaters who attended.
    • Chris Cooper
    • Ken Carlman
  • Discuss 2010 fund raising
    • BPS Feb 14th, 10 to 3 pm. Serving hot dogs
      • Outdoor Rama Scheduling Feb, 25th to 28th.
        • Saturday Trout Pond all day
        • Saturday and Sunday for casting kids
        • Tim to organize a schedule

 September 16, 2009 Youth Meeting

  • To start off the meeting Dan updated Us on Paul and Paul Is home. He is done fishing For the year but he might be able to come to the fall fling.
  • The Fall Fling is in like 2 weeks. A letter was handed out and flyers for the the tournament were also handed out. This letter is Supposed to given out to the people that you go to and ask for door prizes. We still need about 30 Door prizes. So go out asking people. The worst they can so is no. we also Filled out a list about food items we needed. A list of who signed up for what was sent out in a previous e mail. so  make sure you look at the list so you do get what u signed up for. We don't want to be at the tournament and all of a sudden need to go out to get something that someone didnt get. Once you get your food items you signed up for or any door prizes you get, send an e mail to everyone so we now what people got. We don't want everyone getting the same thing. This is a brief idea about how the day will look:
    • EVERYONE wear their shirts.
    • Sign up for all the late entries
    • A pre tourney meeting to go over the rules and such, (During the sign up  we will be doing a fifty fifty and during the whole day we will be doing it also)
    • During the tournament we will need to fill up the tanks, Get all the food items ready, line the door prizes  up neatly and some other little things.
    • Get release boats ready
    • Weigh in
    • Clean up
    • If you are planning on attending just reply to this email and I will forward it to my dad. Just want a rough estimate of who will be there.

August 20, 2009 Youth Meeting

  • We have 3 new members Braden Armstrong, Ryan Cigile, and Jeremy Cigile.
  • One very important thing that was brought up first is that whenever you receive an e-mail that needs to be responded to you should respond to it as soon as possible. You not responding to an e-mail, which only takes a minute, can cause the sender another 5 to 10 minutes trying to call you and get an answer.
  • We Are trying To have a September tournament. The Dates that we Are trying to decide on are the 5th, 6th, 18th, and the 19th. As of right now it does not look like we will be able to do a tournament in September. Everyone is to busy in that month.
  • The 2nd Annual Fall Fling Will take Place October 3rd at Lake St. Clair. EVERYBODY needs to start looking for door prizes and food. If we get a turn out like we did last year we are going to need around 36 door prizes. The more the better. We don't want to come up short. Greg handed out a sheet of all the things we used last year so use that as a guide when u are asking for door prizes and for food.
  • This Saturday is the Cass Lake tournament. This tournament will also count as a club tournament. We will be weighing in at a stage at an elementary school so we all need to look good and wear our club shirts. Most likely an 8-9 pound limit will win. If  you need a ride getting there you need to set that up asap but for the most part we had that figured out at the meeting.

June 17 Youth Club Meeting

  • Paul told us that everyone liked the way the trailer looks and how it is organized.
  • Paul also mentioned that we have a new boater in the adult club named Mark Wilfong
  • On June 28th we have the Pontiac Lake tournament.
    • For anyone that wants to eat breakfast we will be meeting at Ripples by the lake at 5:30 am. If you do not want to eat breakfast meet at the DNR launch ramp at 6:15.
    • The tournament will be going on from 6am-1pm.
    • The partners will be:
      • 1) Mark Wilfong / David Bobr / Jon Bandy
      • 2) Dan Wagner / Brandon Wagner / CJ Hatton
      • 3) Chris Bishop / Andy Vader / Jared Choiniere
      • 4) Paul Wagner / Zach Bishop / Anthony Gilmore
      • 5) Doug Ratliff / Jake Choiniere / New Youth member
      • 6) Greg Choiniere / New Youth member / New Youth member
    • Just in case you were not at the youth meeting Doug Ratliff told us what he thinks will be working at Pontiac Lake when we go. He  said that a worm or jig worked on the bottom and pretty much anything else that is worked on the bottom will work good.
  • Junior MBI- there will be three boats that make up a team for each club. There will be plaques provided and they will fish the same way are club fishes with 1 adult fish and 4 fish between each youth. We are also making this a club tournament and will count toward your points.
  • We will be having a car wash fundraiser on June 27th all day long. At Discount Tire on Carpenter Rd, in Ypsilanti (MAP & More info)
  • Raffle tickets for the Truck are due at the next junior meeting.
  • The adult State Championship will be on St. Clair July 24 & 25, if you are able to help go out there.
  • There will be a barbecue and pool party at Paul's house July 19th. We will also be counting raffle tickets that day.

June 13 Adult Club Meeting

April 26, 2009, Adult Club Meeting

  • Treasurers Report
    • Paul reported he made a deposit of the money we have made so far for Truck Raffle Ticket sales.
    • No other report
  • St. Clair Junior Golden Rule Club Tournament May 9th
  • Lake Nepessing Golden Rule Junior Tournament May 17th
  • Junior State Championship, May 31 at Nepessing
    • We need help and boaters for this tournament
  • May Meeting Location and Date was discussed and decided to do it after the Youth Nepessing Tournament May 17th at 3 pm
  • MBI Funding
    • How do we want to pay for it this year? Cost is $125 for the entire team.  It is due June 1st.  We will go ahead and send a check from the club and the teams will just contribute towards the cost.
  • State Championship
    • Minimum requirements?  Should a member have to attend so many fund raisers? meetings? Tournaments?  It was discussed and the club bylaws will be reviewed.  Everyone agreed the we should have some requirements.
  • Boater Fee's, reminded everyone that the boaters are still spending a lot of money, take care of them...
  • Skegemog
    • Accommodations?  Doug Ratliff is checking with Paul Soma who lives up there.
    • Partner draw?  We will wait until the May meeting.  We all need to let Paul know who is fishing.
  • Youth Meetings
    • If the guys want to come help out, let Greg or Paul Know so we can plan something to do for them.  Just showing up does not do us a lot of good.  We would like to use your expertise with the kids.

April 15, 2009 Junior Club Meeting

  • Paul brought a bunch of baits to give away
  • Emergency Information Forms were collected
  • Golden Rule Tournament at Lake St Clair, May 9th
  • Lake Nepessing Tournament May 17th
  • Junior State Championship, May 31st
    • Need Commitments for who is fishing the JSC, deadline to turn in is May 16th
    • Does everyone have money in their accounts for it, Greg had a report on hand
    • Remember, you must have fished at least one qualifying tournament before May 24th
  • Shirts being ordered on Thursday
    • If you needed to bring a shirt that you have to get done, you should have brought it to this meeting
    • If you need to order one, forms were available at the meeting 
  • Fund Raisers discussed
    • Car Washes
    • Bottle Drives
    • Other

March 18, 2009, Junior Club Meeting

Meeting Minutes by Jake Choiniere

Members in attendance

  • Greg Choiniere
  • Jared Choiniere
  • Jake Choiniere
  • Paul Wagner
  • Dan Wagner
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Jon Bandy
  • Kyle Decare
  • CJ Hatton
  • Zach Bishop
  • Chris Bishop
  • David Bobr
  • Jeff Najmowicz

Meeting Notes

  • We started with Dan bringing his stuff so we all could choose as many things as we wanted from his old tackle at the end of the meeting.
  • We then talked about  a dress code. When we go to places we need to have our bass shirts on and blue jeans.
  • Junior State Championship
    • For the state championship we talked about how much it is going to cost. We figured out that there is a $25 entry fee, $20 for the boaters that we fish there with, and another $20 for the boaters in our club that drive up there for it. so it will end up being around $25 -$65 depending on if the boaters accept the money our not. We also talked about how you should bring your own food since we will not be going anywhere in the middle of the tournament  for food. We also talked abut how we should respect the peoples boat that we are in since the are volunteering their boat and time to be there.
    • People that are going to it are:
      • Zach Bishop
      • Brandon Wagner
      • Jake Choiniere
      • Jared Choiniere
      • CJ Hatton
      • Jon Bandy
      • Kyle Decare
      • David Bobr
    • People who we are pretty sure are going but were not at the meeting to confirm it:
      • Zack Rosen
      • Andy Vader
      • Anthony Gilmore
    • The deadline to sign up for the state championship is May 16th. We also talked about how we need to think of a 4 person team to represent us in the stated championship. We are going to be taking angler of the year from last year and the top 3 people in the 2 tournaments we have before the state championship. We also need to think of a person in our club that we want to fish with in the state championship but they have to be in the opposite age group.
  • Bobr also talked about the Junior MBI that he wanted to make up. he is going to contact some people to see if it is worth while doing it.
  • Bobr and CJ received some Gamma line from Bass Club Digest and the need to use it and give feedback to the company about how it performed for them.
  • Truck Raffle Tickets are due in July and we get $1 each one we sell.

February 22, 2009, Club Meeting  

Meeting Minutes by Tim Morris

  • Members in attendance
    • Paul Wagner
    • Dan Wagner
    • Chris Bishop
    • Greg Choiniere
    • Jeff Najmowicz
    • Jay Haaseth
    • Tim Morris
    • Doug Ratliff
  • Treasures report: None given
  • Old Business: see some old business items listed below.
  • New Business:
    • Potential new member attended the meeting; Bob Callsen, 248-432-1413,
      callsen@att.net, 18’ boat with 85hp – no live wells, likely no back casting deck.
      Chris to contact him informing him of the boat requirements to be a boater and the
      fact there is a waiting list for non-boaters.
    • If member sells winning ticket he will get $100 and the other $400 will go to the
      club general fund. The youth member selling the most tickets will get a Gander Mt.
      gift card.
    • Outdoor Rama schedule is posted on the web site, stay tuned for updates.
    • Truck raffle, tickets are available from Paul per sign out, all tickets due back to
      Paul by July 18th .
    • Jr. State Championship May 31st, Lake Nepessing
    • Junior Angler of the Year, prizes for winner, Paul will try to put some prizes
      together over the summer and if anyone wants to contribute/organize a prize get
      those to Paul.
    • State championship is July 23, 24, 25 on St. Clair
    • Gander Mt. Weekends: The club has been invited to sell raffle tickets any weekend
      between Feb. 26th and March 22nd . We just need to let Pete Lusis know. Store: 248380-
      4000, or cell: 248-672-7603
    • Open Tournament October 3rd: Flyer handed out at MBCF and Bass Pro Shop,
      copies of the flyer are available from Paul, Jeff to start the DNR process, all
      members are encouraged to start working on donations.
    • 2009 Tournaments, all dates are confirmed and on the website, location for the
      August 8th tournament are still TBD with Algonac and South Detroit River being
    • Anyone interested in the value of their club account can contact Greg who has
      those details.
    • New phone list was handed out at the meeting and is available from Paul.

January 21, 2009 Youth Club Meeting

  • We talked about the tournaments and the fall fling and how we will get more specific info on them later. We also talked about fundraising and if there were any new ideas. We are going to try to have 4-5 fundraisers this year and hopefully if Jay buys a boat we will try to get Wonderland as a future sponsor. We cleaned reels and Dan showed us Rods that would be good to use.

December 14, Club Meeting Agenda

  • Elections for Officers for the Adult Club
    • Paul Wagner, President
    • Jay Haaseth, Vice President
    • Greg Choiniere, Treasurer
    • Tim Morris, Secretary
    • Jeff Najmowicz, Tournament Director
    • Greg Choiniere, Youth Director
  • 2009 Club Dues are due for those who have not paid.
  • MBCF @ $25 (Need to be paid by the club at the December MBCF Meeting.)
  • BASS @ $20 (Need to be sent in by the club before the end of the year) BASS is having a contest for all clubs that sign up before the end of the year, for one free lifetime membership for one of the club members.
  • Club @ $5
  • 2009 Tournament Season
  • Tournament Directors Position, who will be the 2009 Director
  • Schedule and dates, what all do we need to avoid was discussed and considered.
  • Discussion on when and where everyone would suggest our tournaments, we put  together a preliminary list
    • Adult Club:
      >April 25th ~ St. Clair "Paper Tournament"
        >June 13th & 14th ~ Up North "West Side" 2 Day cumulative
        >July 18th ~ Whitmore Lake
        >August 8th ~ Either North St. Clair or South Detroit River
        >September 12th ~ Wamplers Lake
        >September 20 MBI Tournament at Whamplers
        >September 26th & 27th ~ Saginaw Bay "Out of Town" 2 individual tournaments (team of course)
    • Youth Club:
        >May 9th ~ St. Clair "Paper Tournament"
        >May 17th ~ Nepessing "Paper" (Practice for the State Championship)
        >May 31st ~ Jr. State Championship at Lake Nepessing
        >June 28th ~ Pontiac Lake
        >July - Sept.???  TBA
  • Cleaning out and working on the MBCF trailer, scheduling and discussion
    • How about a Sunday in late January? Wagner will check to see what is available and let everyone know
  • Rules Revisions.
  • When do points start for next year? After the Club Classic
  • What do we need to tune up for 2009?
    • Boat size.  Paul suggested going to 17 ft, that might help getting more boaters. Those boats can not be used in a MBCF or BASS Tournament at the next levels.
    • A clause was added about being a little more flexible on partner choosing, we recognize that some people fish other circuits and do not know if they will be available or not. 
    • The other thing that was discussed was dropping out of a tournament.  The impact it has when someone drops either without telling anytime or right before the tournament.  A one week deadline was set up, with a penalty after that. 
    • The points for catching big bass of the individual tournaments was dropped down to 1 point for each boat in the tournament, 6 boats would mean 6 points when someone gets the big bass for the day.  A clause.
    • A clause was added to ensure members maintain their BASS Membership at all times.
    • A clause was added about Youth Club Tournaments, that they sometimes may need to go to individual because they have to fish without a Youth Partner
  • Boat and Fishing Shows
  • Fishing and Boat shows as a fund raiser and Recruiting Campaign?
  • Primary show is Outdoor Rama February 26, 27, 28 and March 1. Trout Pond, maybe casting kids
  • Ultimate Fishing Show, Novi Jan. 8-11 No trout pond, just PR, and Casting kids
  • Proposed flyer to hand out at the shows. CD to hand out if anyone can help print some
  • Bass Lines Article and ad

    • Paul, Jeff and Dan attended the MBCF Presidents meeting.  We had the opportunity to purchase a $60 ad in the upcoming show edition of Bass Lines.  Paul Built one on the spot and submitted it.  It was a recruiting ad.

December 19, 2008 Youth Club Meeting

  • No Business done at the December meeting.  We met and worked on everyone's fishing reels.  We cleaned and stripped them.

November 9, 2008 Club Meeting

  • A Limited number of members showed up for the meeting
  • Treasurers report, Nothing new to report, working on changing the account over to Greg
  • New Business
    • Discussed how to recruit new boaters.
    • Discussed the 2009 Tournament Season

November 19, 2008 Youth Club Meeting

  • We had Elections this Meeting and here is the people Elected:

    • President-Jared Choiniere

    • Vice President-David Bobr

    • Secretary-Jake Choiniere

    • Tournament Director- Jared Choiniere

    • Treasurer-Andy Vader

  • We also discussed the party and it will be held December 5th and we will be having a potluck style dinner. You can bring a gag award if you want to. We will have a slide show and normal awards.

  • We discussed about seeing who is going to stay or not and we put Bobr Jake charge of finding out who is or not.
    Also we have to pay a $10 membership due.

  • We also need boaters for our club and to revise the rules to get a boat in the club.

  • Things to do at other meetings-

    • Clean out tackle boxes

    • Reel reloading, Line replacement in the spring

    • Trailer clean out January or February

    • CPR training

    • Boater safety

    • Seminars from pros like Marcel, Terry Melvin, and Wayne Carpenter

    • We will be doing the trout ponds at Outdoorama and Ultimate fishing show
      the next Junior Meeting is December 19th

September 17, 2008 - Club Meeting

  1. Meet for breakfast before MBI tournament? 4:30 I-hop on 94 East of 696. On Right hand side.
  2. Boaters available for the Jr. T on Lake St. Clair. Paul, Probably Doug, Greg if necessary, Dan, Chris B. Don’t know about Chris C.
  3. MBI – who is fishing with whom and what areas are we going to target? We need a game plan….

    Things that need to be talked about:  

    • Everyone needs to wear their club shirts OK
    • Meeting spots during the tournament to see how we are doing? Metro at 11:00ish 12:00
    • No cell phones are allowed during tournament.
    • How long do we spend in a spot till you move?
    • Do you feel confident in a certain spot?
    • Do you have a back-up plan?
    • Spots that need to be covered:
      • 3 Flags
      • Metro Beach between points.
      • Crocker
      • Roland Martin
      • Gull
      • Selfridge AFB
  4. Trophy payment? How do we want to raise the $$$. Should we have a trophy fund for next year? Maybe x amount of dollars per tournament. Combine Dan’s trophies, get rid of 2-10, and first place for each tournament. Big Bass only…not smallie and largie.
  5. The Classic? What lake or do you just want me to pick? My pick unless Walled Lake. Partners? Chris C.
  6. St. Clair tournament results
  7. Lancer tournament results
  8. October and November meeting location (We will discuss associate member clause or language at the next meeting. We are too busy today). October in Canton November Gander Mountain
  9. Does anybody want to step up and take control of the awards banquet (head a committee)? We can start to focus more on it at October meeting….Bill Reed with Greg as VP….
  10. Should we have a meeting before the Open Tournament just to finalize everything? When and where…Yes, Tuesday before
  11. Open T ~ who is fishing or needs a partner, do we know of anyone who is fishing other than club members? Everyone is hooked up….***Make sure of the launch location***

August 5, 2008 Club Meeting

Meeting Minutes by Tim Morris

9 members in attendance.

  • Paul Wagner

  • Dan Wagner

  • Chris Bishop

  • Chris Cloutier

  • Greg Choiniere

  • Jeff Najmowicz

  • Bill Reed

  • Jay Haaseth

  • Tim Morris

Treasures report:

  • None given, see Chris C. for details on account balances.

Old Business: None

New Business:

1. Date for a Junior Club tournament either in September or October

· Looking at October Dates other than the 4th or 5th, the 11th, 12th, 18th, 19th or 25th would work the best. We will present these dates to the Youth Club.

2. Partner Selection for MBI

· Paul Wagner (B) and Jay Haaseth (NB)

· Dan Wagner (B) and Andy Ciantar (NB)

· Chris Cloutier (B) and Jeff Najmowicz (NB)

· Chris Bishop (B) and Greg Choiniere (NB)

Bill Reed as an Alternate Non Boater

3. Discussion on Adding an "Associate or Alternate Member" clause to our Bylaws

· Chris B. and Paul will look at the language and bring a proposal to the next meeting.

4. Partner Draw for Lancer Lake pairing

· Chris B. (3) w/Greg

· Tim (1) w/ Andy

· Paul (4) w/ Jeff

· Dan (2) w/ Guest

Chris B. to solicit Guest

5. Casting Kids competition on Sunday, August 24 at Sylvan Lake.

· Cancelled due to lack of interest

6. Meeting location and date for September, we need to pick one

· Sep. 16th at South Lyon Big Boy at 7 pm.

June 29, 2008 Club Meeting

  • We met right after the June Lake St. Clair tournament at a local restaurant.
  • We advised everyone that we gave Bill Kandillian and Fred Anstead each a $25 gas card from the club, for helping out with the Tournament. Money from the general fund.
  • Youth Car Wash raised $270 for the Junior Anglers.  Only a few of the kids showed up.  The money will all be divided up among the ones that did show up.
  • The Michigan BASS Federation State Championship is coming up in August in Charlevoix.  No one at the meeting was interested this year, partly because of the travel distance and fuel cost. 
  • Michigan Bass Invitational. We advised everyone that it is scheduled for September and to start thinking about who will be fishing.  We will work our way down the standings until slots are filled.
  • We have started a 2009 Rules revision list. If anyone has any revisions they want made, speak up.
  • Jeff Najmowicz handed out everyone's "1st Place" patches for the shirts, for all of the tournaments to date.
  • We determined who is believed to be fishing the Lake Nepessing tournament and drew partners
    • 1. Tim Morris and Jeff Najmowicz
    • 2. Chris Bishop and Andy Ciantar
    • 3. Paul Wagner and Bill Reed
    • 4. Dan Wagner and Jay Haaseth
    • 5. Chris Cloutier and Kyle Ratliff
    • 6. Doug Ratliff and Greg Choiniere
  • August Meeting, Greg Choiniere stepped up and volunteered to set up a location for the meeting, it will be somewhere around South Lyon.
  • Lake St. Clair Youth Tournament, we still need to try to pick a date for a tournament on Lake St. Clair, hopefully in August or September sometime.  Check you calendars and get with Greg Choiniere with your available dates.

May 17, 2008 Youth Club Meeting

  • Went over who will be going to the Junior State Championship
  • Talked about how much it will cost for each person
  • Doug Ratliff from the senior club gave us maps White Lake and told us good spots and what to use in those spots.  A lot of discussion followed
  • Terry Melvin from Lunch Money Lures gave us some nice tubes and also some that have not even came out yet.  He also went over some techniques and spots to try at White Lake
  • Dan Wagner got Dick Scott Dodge to let us do a carwash at the dealership on June 21, everyone is invited to attend and encouraged to.
  • Dan and Paul showed us the trilene knot and palamor Knot and made each member tie one and or the other.  There was discussion that we need to practice our knots.

    A Big Thanks to Terry Melvin from Lunch Money lures and Doug  Ratliff for their support.


April 13, 2008 Club Meeting

  • Location: Aubrey's Pizza on Whittaker Road near Stony Creek Road in Ypsilanti.
  • Lunch
  • Crooked Creek Baits (a new club and Youth sponsor we got) came to the meeting to introduce themselves and show some of their product line. They offered to take orders also, they have some great Senko's!! Their new web site will be up in the next few weeks.
  • Review of Club Bylaws and Tournament Rules, went over the basics and did some minor tune ups.
  • Trophy List for 2008, reviewed the list and cost for the year, our cost will be around $540
    • Discussed how we will pay for them
  • Thompson Lake Tournament
    • Partner Draw for Paper Tournament done, list will be posted
    • DATE CHANGE: Because of some scheduling conflicts, the Adult Club Tournament is rescheduled to Sunday April 27, the Youth date is moved to May 3rd.
    • Working on Park Passes for the City Park.  Jay Haaseth has may have a possible source. 
    • Overview of Paper Tournament guidelines and work sheets
  • Veterans Tournament, June 14
    • Boats for Veterans Tournament? They are still looking for boaters if anyone is available
    • Chris Cloutier has offered so far. Will fish either the Veterans or the Jr State Championship
    • Does anyone want to step up and do a casting kids event for the Veterans Tournament at Kent Lake? Would be a good PR and something the non-boaters could do as well as the kids
  • Junior State Championship, June 15
    • Boats for Jr State Championship at White Lake? We will need to know for sure at some point. It will depend on how many kids are going.
    • Dan Wagner, Paul Wagner, Chris Bishop, Chris Cloutier and Greg Choiniere have offered so far.
    • If we take 8 Youth Members we need 4 boats
  • New Scale has not arrived yet
  • Proof of Insurance for your boats is due before we start fishing. Chris Cloutier is checking them. Check to see if yours has been taken care of yet.
  • Debut of a new Money tracking envelope. It will be handed out to everyone. Handed out copies of what it will look like, everyone needs to use it to make it simpler for Chris to track money when anyone gives him money
  • Meeting note done by Paul Wagner

Meeting adjourned

March 19, 2008 Junior Club Meeting

  • Location: Novi Gander Mountain

  • Members Present: Paul Wagner, Andy Ciantar, Jake Anderson, Dan Wagner, Tim Morris, Chris Cloutier, Doug Kurlovich, Rachel Zajac (New adult club member), CJ H., Jake C., Fayad F., Andy V., David B., Brian, John K., and Zach B.

  • We first went over the last meeting notes and talked about what we did. We had a new member- Rachel. We introduced ourselves so she knew who everyone was.

  • We raised a total of $1,129 at the trout pond. Chris brought papers saying how much you have in your account but he was saying most people have nothing. We also talked about state championship fundraising for the Jr. club. We already said we would do ink cartridges and Paul brought in some. He also brought candy bars to sell and he made stickers to put on them saying thanks. We also talked about bottle drives and that if you could do them it would be helpful. Also we talked about doing a car wash and Paul said that he already had a place in mind.

  • We then talked about expense for the state championship. It would end up being around $1,700 for the whole entire trip. We talked about $20 a day for food, $50 for boat gas, hotel rooms, gas for cars, and entrance fee. Plus some other minor expenses. The tournament is going to be about 6 hours.

  • We then reviewed the club rules and there was one rule that we added on. From what Paul found we will be able to wear inflatable's, but not for 100% sure yet, we are still checking.

  • Then we talked about us having a $100 sponsor, K and E Stopper Worms. We also mentioned that we have about three months to raise $1,600.

  • Tim Morris was there and told us how to buy the stuff to get started on lure making. He showed us how to melt the plastic. Then he showed how to dye the plastics. He then showed us how to pour them. He let us all have a turn pouring our own plastics. He brought a bunch of soft plastics that he already poured and let us have as much as we wanted.

March 16, 2008 Club Meeting Minutes

  • Location: Gander Mt. Novi.
  • Members Present: Paul Wagner, Dan Wagner, Jeff Najmowicz, Jake Andersen, Tim Morris, Andy Ciantar, Chris Cloutier, Bill Reed, Chris Bishop and Greg Choiniere.
  • New Members Present: Bob Alfieri, Jay Haaseth, Jeff Schaffer, Doug Ratliff, Kyle Ratliff
  • Called to Discussion:
  1. Covered the trophy list and discussed a few ideas. One idea was to create a perpetual plaque/trophy for the classic winner in doing so it would reduce the number of trophies needed in turn cutting cost. The second idea was to reduce the number of trophies for each event down to just 1st place. This was also implemented for cost affective measures. We will fine tune the list at the next meeting.
  2. Paul Wagner (club president) gave last revisions to the tournament guidelines. The club agreed upon tuning up the pick your partner language and using the partner draw for 2008 (see new guidelines on the web). If you have any concerns about the rules or have any questions about what they may read please e-mail Jeff Najmowicz the tournament director.
  3. The final tournament schedule was put in place and can be also found on the web. Discussed possible date conflict with Bass n’ Stars and determined there was none that we would worry about. The members who are in both had no concerns. Note: A few launch ramp changes may be made as the season arrives. Also Lodging for Grand Lake should be arranged at the Parker House ASAP.
  4. Discussed the Youth Jr. Championship series expenses, fundraising opportunities and went over some of the logistics of how we might expect things to go. We must understand that the cost of traveling is not cheap and money must be raised to support this event. Start to think about possible incentives for those who volunteer there time, money, and boat.
  5. Possible sponsors are on the top of the list we had a discussion on how we can go about obtaining them. They could be a vital part of fundraising. Also we still need a few things before the season gets under way. Wind shield for scale and weigh bags. Some could be covered by sponsors.

February 20, 2008, Junior Club Meeting

  • We started off talking about the trout pond and how you could sign up to be in the schedule. Also we talked a little about how we will have our own accounts for bass fishing supplies and other things.
  • We then talked about new elections and decided to do them at the end of the meeting. Anyway, here are the results:
    • President- Jared
    • Vice President- David
    • Secretary- Jake
    • Tournament Director- Jared
    • Treasurer- Jon Bandy
  • We talked about the tournament committee and some guys who wanted to do it and got signed up for the TC.
  • We talked about the new shirts we are getting. It cost $20 dollars for the shirt, $4 for the names and then another $25 for the big huge patch on the back. Some ordered them.
  • Andy passed out forms for everyone to fill about medical things and people they could contact if something went wrong. Some people turned it in because their parents where there but most had to take it home and get it signed by their parents.
  • We talked about the state championship at White Lake. We discussed how it will be very costly to go but we will be able to do it. There were a bunch of people that said they wanted to do it but they were not sure if they could do it.
  • Fund raising was brought up and said it will help us a lot. The trout pond, which is our first fund raiser, was going to bring us a lot of money. But we will probably need a little more depending on what we make there.
  • April 20th is set to be our first tournament at Thompson Lake in Howell. May 18th is set to be our second tournament at Kent Lake. Both will be paper tournaments. The next tournament will be the state championship.
  • The last thing we talked about were fishing logs. David brought some in and we found one that we all really liked.

February 10, 2008 Club Meeting Minutes

  • Location: Coney Island in Canton Lilly and Joy.
  • Members Present: Paul Wagner, Dan Wagner, Jeff Najmowicz, Jake Andersen, Tim Morris, Andy Ciantar, Chris Cloutier and Greg Choiniere.
  • Called to Discussion:
  1. Announced by Tim Morris was the Schedule of Outdoor Rama trout pond and casting kids, laid out and filled in time slots. Also incorporated missing members as well as we could. (check web site for your time scheduled)
  2. Announced by Jeff Najmowicz (tournament director) was the final outline for the adult tournament schedule, we deliberated possible dates and came to a final date agreement which can be viewed on the site. Discussed a possible evening tourney on St. Clair. Concluded with an addition to the tournament schedule we decided to fish two out of towners (Grand Lake Alpena) and (Lake Lancer Gladwin)
  3. Paul Wagner (club president) arrived late and reported the club customized shirt progress which was shirts can be purchased at anytime and are ready to go. Paul also ordered club stickers that could be placed on your truck/boat and we concluded that the club would reimburse him for them.
  4. Discussed the youth meeting with Marcel Veenstra and we thanked him for volunteering his time to the kids and we wish him success in the up and coming season.
  5. Discussed the youth championship series and possible volunteers that topic was left open and remains open for the next meeting.
  • Future Plans for next meeting….
  1. Set date for next meeting which is Sunday March 16th at 11:30 am at the Novi Gander Mt. Things to be brought to order, Youth club agenda and possible ideas that can be demonstrated to the kids, dues, final adjustments to schedule and fine tune the rules and club goals.

January 16, 2008 Junior Club Meeting

  • Discussion about the new club we are going to be and the name of the website.
  • Tournament Discussion. We discussed having 2 tournaments before the Jr championship. The tournaments we talked about doing were on April 20th at Thompson Lake and May 18th at Kent Lake. We talked about everyone having a drop tourney. We also were going to have team tournaments only and it will always be with someone different. We talked about having fishing logs and  David, the new member, said he would try to find a few different formats. The last thing we talked about was having an open tourney in the fall at Lake St. Clair for the adults.
  • Fundraisers. We talked about fundraisers like bottle drives and ink cartridges. We talked about the casting kids and the trout pond. We talked to about having our own money accounts for fishing related things only.
  • The state championship was also discussed, that it was going to be on June 15th at White Lake. 
  • The next meeting will be on February 2nd 7-9 at Gander Mountain in Novi. We were going to start the point system next month too.


January 13, 2008 Club Meeting Minutes


  • Little Archie's in Brighton
  • Prospective members present- Paul Wagner, Jeff Najmowicz, Tim Morris, Bill Reed, Jake Andersen, Andy Ciantar, Dan Wagner, Chris Bishop, Brian Waldo, Greg Choiniere, and Mike Spore.
  • Everyone introduced themselves and gave a background about why they were there and what they might like to see in a new club.
  • Paul Wagner and Jeff Najmowicz presented what they had in mind for how a new club should operate and what the philosophy and goal of the club should be. 
  • Everyone gave valuable input and we all came to a general consensus of how we all would like our new club to function.
  • Fundraising and the youth club were discussed and everyone agreed that they like both ideas.  Tim Morris stepped up and took on the role of fundraiser organizer (at least for the first fundraiser). 
  • It was decided to start a new club and several members stepped up to be included in the paper work to get things rolling. 
  • The people present voted unanimously to elect Paul Wagner President.  Chris Cloutier was nominated for Treasurer; a vote was taken and he was elected.   Andy Ciantar stepped up and agreed to be Secretary; he was voted in unanimously.  Paul Wagner nominated Jeff Najmowicz to be Tournament Director; he was voted in.  Jeff Najmowicz nominated Andy Ciantar to become Youth Club Director; he was voted in unanimously.   
  • A new rotational meeting location concept was agreed upon and Andy Ciantar was at the top of the list.  The next meeting time was agreed upon and will be in Canton (location to be determined) at 11:30 on Feb. 10th
  • Motion to adjourn; meeting was adjourned.